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Английский словарь американских идиом - toe


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See: CURL ONE'S HAIR or CURL ONE'S TOES, ON ONE'S TOES, STEP ON THE TOES OF. TOGETHER WITH {prep.} In addition to; in the company of; along with. * /John, together with his brother, has gone to the party./ * /The police found a knife, together with the stolen money, hidden in a hollow tree./
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См. в других словарях

  U.S. gov. abbr. Temporarily Official Employment mil. abbr. Table of Organization and Equipment time zone abbr. Time Of Event airport code Tozeur, Tunisia railroad abbr. Texas, Oklahoma, and Eastern RailRoad Company chemis. abbr. THERMODYNAMICS OF Entanglement univ. abbr. Trial Of Entrance mathem. abbr. Theory Of Everything u.m. abbr. Tonne Oil Equivalent u.m. abbr. Tonnes Of Oil Equivalent u.m. abbr. Tons Of Oil Equivalent gen. comp. abbr. Tcp Offload Engines firm name abbr. The Outdoor Experience ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 n 1 one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot  (He stubbed his toe on a rock. | big toe (=the largest of your toes)) 2 the part of a shoe or sock that covers the front part of your foot 3 step on sb's toes AmE /tread on sb's toes BrE to offend someone, especially by becoming involved in something that they are responsible for  (He's new in the department and will have to be careful not to step on anyone's toes.) 4 keep sb on their toes to make sure that someone is ready for anything that might happen; alert1 (1)  (She certainly keeps the children on their toes!) 5 make sb's toes curl to make someone feel very embarrassed or uncomfortable about something 6 touch your toes to bend downwards so that your hands touch your toes  (- see also from head to toe head1 (2), from top to toe top1 (20)) ~2 v toe the line to do what other people in a job or organization say you should do, whether you agree with them or not  (You toe the line or you don't stay on the team!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (toes, toeing, toed) 1. Your toes are the five movable parts at the end of each foot. N-COUNT: usu pl 2. If you dip your toes into something or dip your toes into the waters of something, you start doing that thing slowly and carefully, because you are not sure whether it will be successful or whether you will like it. This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR n 3. If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen. His fiery campaign rhetoric has kept opposition parties on their toes for months. PHRASE: V inflects 4. If you toe the line, you behave in the way that people in authority expect you to. ...attempts to persuade the rebel members to toe the line... PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you tread on someone’s toes, you offend them by criticizing the way that they do something or by interfering in their affairs. (INFORMAL) I must be careful not to tread on their toes. My job is to challenge, but not threaten them. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English to, from Old English ta; akin to Old High German zeha ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) one of the terminal members of the vertebrate foot  (2) the fore end of a foot or hoof  b. a terminal segment of a limb of an invertebrate  c. the forepart of something worn on the foot the ~ of a boot  2. a part that by its position or form is felt to resemble a ~ the ~ of Italy: as  a. a lateral projection at one end or between the ends of a piece (as a rod or bolt)  b. the lowest part (as of an embankment, dam, or cliff)  3. ~ dance  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; ~ing)  Date: 1660  transitive verb  1. to furnish with a ~ ~ a sock  2. to touch, reach, or drive with the ~ ~ a football  3. to drive (as a nail) obliquely; also to clinch or fasten by or with nails or rods so driven  intransitive verb  1. tip~  2. to stand, walk, or be placed so that the ~s assume an indicated position or direction ~ in ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 any of the five terminal projections of the foot. 2 the corresponding part of an animal. 3 the part of an item of footwear that covers the toes. 4 the lower end or tip of an implement etc. 5 Archit. a projection from the foot of a buttress etc. to give stability. --v. (toes, toed, toeing) 1 tr. touch (a starting-line etc.) with the toes before starting a race. 2 tr. a mend the toe of (a sock etc.). b provide with a toe. 3 intr. (foll. by in, out) a walk with the toes pointed in (or out). b (of a pair of wheels) converge (or diverge) slightly at the front. 4 tr. Golf strike (the ball) with a part of the club too near the toe. Phrases and idioms on one's toes alert, eager. toe-clip a clip on a bicycle-pedal to prevent the foot from slipping. toe-hold 1 a small foothold. 2 a small beginning or advantage. toe the line conform to a general policy or principle, esp. unwillingly or under pressure. turn up one's toes colloq. die. Derivatives toed adj. (also in comb.). toeless adj. Etymology: OE ta f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I 1) горн. основание уступа; подошва уступа 2) забой (взрывной скважины) 3) целик (угля) 4) упорная призма плотины; дренажная призма плотины; зуб плотины 5) упорный блок; переднее нижнее ребро (напр. подпорной стенки) 6) подошва [нижняя бровка] откоса 7) строит. носок; подножие 8) сварка кромка лицевой поверхности шва 9) пят(к)а; подпятник; нижний конец вертикального шпинделя 10) закруглённый боёк (молотка) 11) крестовина (стрелочного перевода) 12) забивать гвоздь под углом 13) кфт. область недодержек (характеристической кривой) 14) мысок (чулка или носка) - toe of breakwater - ballet toe - downstream toe of dam - eyelet closed toe - frog toe - gravel downstream toe - gusset toe - Keith toe - open toe - reciprocated toe - ring toe - rockfill toe - rubble toe - tailored toe - twist closed toe - wing toe II сокр. от ton of oil equivalent тонна условного топлива в пересчёте на нефть ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  подошва (откоса, уступа) подножие; подпятие закруглённый боёк (молотка) toe of dam подошва откоса плотины банкет плотины; дренажная призма плотины toe of slope inside embankment toe rock toe ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) граница наружной поверхности шва 2) мысок 3) палец - toe basin - toe of bench ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) палец ноги 2) передняя часть копыта – big toe – pussy's toe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. палец ноги great (big) toe —- большой палец (ноги) little toe —- мизинец (ноги) to stub one's toe on (over) smth. —- споткнуться обо что-л.; спотыкаться на чем-л., ошибаться в интерпретации чего-л., становиться в тупик перед чем-л. to stand on the tips of one's toes —- стоять на цыпочках 2. носок (ноги, ботинка, чулка и т. п.) a hole in the toe —- дырка в носке (ботинка и т. п.) to turn one's toe out —- ставить ноги носками наружу to dance on one's toes —- ходить (танцевать) на пуантах 3. передняя часть копыта 4. загиб подковы 5. разг. нога to toast one's toes —- греть ноги 6. нижняя часть, нижний конец (чего-л.) 7. тех. пята Id: the light fantastic toe —- танцы Id: the toe of Italy —- "носок сапога", западная оконечность Апеннинского полуострова Id: on one's toes —- жизнерадостный; деятельный; решительный, активный; готовый к действиям, в (полной) готовности; настороже Id: toe to toe —- лицом к лицу Id: to stand toe to toe —- стоять лицом к лицу Id: to fight it out toe to toe —- решить дело (спор) в рукопашной схватке Id: to tread (to step) on smb.'s toes —- больно задеть кого-л.; задеть чьи-л. чувства; наступить кому-л. на любимую мозоль Id: to dig in one's toes —- занять жесткую позицию; не отступать ни на шаг Id: to turn up one's toes, to turn one's toes up —- сл. "протянуть ноги", умереть Id: the toe of my boot itches —- мне так и хочется дать ему...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) палец на ноге (у человека, животного, птицы)  2) носок (ноги, башмака, чулка); to turn ones toes out (in) - выворачивать ноги носками наружу (внутрь)  3) нижний конец, нижняя часть (чего-л.)  4) передняя часть копыта  5) tech. пята to turn up ones toes sl. - протянуть ноги, умереть to be on ones toes -  а) быть жизнерадостным;  б) быть деятельным;  в) быть решительным  2. v.  1) касаться, ударять носком или (в гольфе) кончиком клюшки; to toe the line sport - встать на стартовую черту; fig. строго придерживаться правил; подчиняться требованиям  2) надвязывать носок (чулка)  3) криво забивать (гвоздь и т.п.) - toe in - toe out TOE out ставить ноги носками врозь TOE in ставить ноги носками внутрь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. ta (pl. tan), contraction of *tahe (Mercian tahж), from P.Gmc. *taikhwo, probably originally meaning "fingers" as well. Many PIE languages still use one word to mean both fingers and toes. The verb meaning "touch or reach with the toes" (cf. toe the line) is first recorded 1813. Toenail is from 1841. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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